Calibration of measuring equipment and instruments

Calibration of measuring equipment and instruments

Calibration of measuring equipment and instruments

We deal with the metrological service of a wide assortment of measuring equipment and instruments from basic analogue instruments, inductor type and similar ones to high-tech digital instruments measuring electric and nonelectric quantities (the temperature, the pressure and other physicochemical quantities in the reduced scope). We calibrate and check all these instruments (verify the results achieved with characteristics declared) for the purposes of metrological confirmation of the measuring equipment and instruments, under the label of a Trustworthy Laboratory - name in accordance with the contents of the PN-EN ISO 10012:2004 standard.

This part of the Laboratory activity also includes such works as: calibration of the high voltage measuring and testing equipment, calibration and modernization of the regulating and measuring system of thermal devices, measurements of static electricity and similar activities.


The calibration of measuring equipment and instruments used for the measurement of electric quantities is a prestigious direction of our activity and in this field we have the status of the accredited Calibrating Laboratory granted after meeting the requirements of the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard.In the scope of accreditation we perform calibration of instruments for the measurement of AC, DC voltage, AC power, DC resistance and in case of digital multimeters we calibrate the capacity, frequencies and temperature measuring ranges. In addition we also carry out calibration of the high voltage measuring and testing equipment.

We perform works mainly in the registered office of our company, in appropriately prepared and adapted laboratory rooms. If necessary, we can also carry out works on the customer's premises, at the place of installation of the serviced item.

Owing to permanent cooperation of the Calibration Laboratory with the Measuring Equipment Team that is specialized in the scope of adjustment and servicing of the known assortment of measurement equipment, our services are really comprehensive.


All questions should be directed to:

  • Kierownik Laboratorium - mgr inż. Tomasz Guzy, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel. 32 237 66 60,
  • Kierownik ds. Jakości - inż. Tadeusz Wypych, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel. 32 237 66 66,
  • Kierownik Techniczny - inż. Jerzy Zmysło, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel. 32 237 66 63.


Dane kontaktowe

Zakład Pomiarowo-Badawczy Energetyki
Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
ul. Świętokrzyska 2, 44-100 Gliwice
woj. śląskie, Polska

(+48) 32 237 66 03 (sekretariat)

(+48) 32 237 66 15 (centrala)

(+48) 32 231 08 70 (fax)

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