Computer system for visual presentation and registration of synchronization process criteria quantities and power system switching
The system presented here is a result of our long-term experience in the scope of registration and analysis of electric processes and it is an answer to the growing demand of the market resulting from the necessity of executing international synchronization processes and switching of separated island systems to the NPS (National Power System) (e.g. power network of large industrial plants). The virtual measurement environment has been organized that, from the user point of view, consists of conventional connected with one another instruments graphically presented on a computer screen.
The system is characterized by significant flexibility that cannot be achieved with conventional technology. On the basis of PSE-Operator S.A. decision the MUW system was adopted for applying in cross-border electricity exchange transformer stations and was installed in the following transformer stations: Mikułowa, Krajnik, Krosno-Iskrzynia, Mory and Wrocław heat and power plant. The system played the substantial role during tests of connection of UCPTE and CENTREL systems in October 1995. Starting next installations in transformer stations is planned e.g.: Bujaków, Wielopole.
MUW devices found application during the entire sequence of system trials in separating, creating and repeated synchronization of the island systems to the NPS (National Power System). An example constitute the island operation tests carried out at the power plants: Połaniec (1995, 1996), Skawina (1996, 1997), Turów (1999, 2000, 2004).
The system is offered in the industrial workmanship based on modern elements of reputable producers. MUW provides all functions of traditional synchronizing units and introduces new functions impossible to obtain with old technologies. Metrological properties of the MUW device are particularly significant.
The fact that the system doesn't require applying any additional computer devices is worth of stressing.
MUW system enables:
- observation in the real time on the external industrial monitor of criteria parameters of switching processes (slipping, voltages difference, phase shift and the like),
- registration of criteria parameters of switching processes,
- assembly in the automatic system cabinet of 19" standard.
Experience gained from the previous operation of the MUW system showed that synchronization of large power systems and island systems carried out with the use of conventional technical methods was unusually difficult and to all intents and purposes impossible to realize. A possibility of registration and documenting the whole switching process is an additional advantage resulting from application of the MUW system. As an option the system can be equipped with the recorder of transient states (current surges, power swing, etc.) appearing in the moment of closing of circuit breaker. High-tech solutions both in the equipment as well as the software were applied for the design of the proposed system. Visual presentation and registration system of the MUW can be consolidated with the wide range of automatic and semi-automatic synchronizers of domestic and foreign production. Our company can also undertake the realization of the complete synchronization system containing among other things the automatic switching system cabinet. The above works were successfully carried out by Energopomiar-Elektryka company at the majority of customers of the MUW system. During the 10th jubilee fair "The high technology for Power Industry" at Bielsko-Biała 1997 PSE-Operator S.A. granted our Computer disturbance registration system, control device state signalling system and switching processes visualisation system a gold medal.
All questions should be directed to:
- mgr inż. Grzegorz Grzegorzyca,
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