Operating as part of the accredited Testing Laboratory Electromagnetic Field and Partial Discharge Division in the scope of accreditation performs measurements and calculations of the distribution of the electrical and magnetic field strength of frequency 50 Hz. Accredited activity of the Division is specified in the Scope of Accreditation of the Testing Laboratory No. AB 269, available at every request of the Customer (independently available also on PCA website – www.pca.gov.pl). The sources of the fields can be electrical power engineering or industrial objects such as high-voltage lines, transformers, transformer station, substation and other devices powered with electric energy They are characteristic mainly for power engineering and the industry, but some of them are localised in commonly available areas: in the neighborhood of or inside residential buildings, in work places or holiday destinations. Measurements and calculations of the field strength distribution are performed:
- for the purpose of environmental protection - according to the Ordinance of the Minister of Environment of 30 October 2003, regarding the acceptable levels of electromagnetic fields in the environment and the monitoring methods of maintaining these levels (Journal of Laws [Dz.U.] No. 192, item 1883),
- at work-stands - according to Polish standard PN-T-06580-3:2002 Health and safety at work in electromagnetic fields and radiation within the range of the frequency 0 Hz to 300 GHz Sheet 3. Methods of measurement and evaluations
of field at work-stands.
For purpose of environmental protection we are outlining areas of the limited use, however on work-stands we outline protection zones and determine restrictions of the working time.
All questions should be directed to:
- mgr inż. Ireneusz Hasiec,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , 32 237 66 49, - Zbigniew Chłap, tel. 32 237 66 49.